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Do you desire a better relationship with God and increase your Bible IQ? Please give me a big shoutout. Yes! Lord Yes! Thank you. Hi! My name is Sherrie T. Welcome to the Living Bible Hub Community. At LBH, we encourage you to excel in your relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer and Bible study. We aim to help you connect the dots by incorporating the biblical principles, practices, and promises in the Word of God. Do You Believe In Jeremiah 29:11, God said, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." If God had a purpose and a plan for Jeremiah, He also has a plan and purpose for you. There is a time and season to pursue a college education, travel, or start a family. We all have a desire to fulfill our God-given potential. The problem is most of us spend years trying to find the right niche to satisfy our deepest desire for the ultimate purpose, which comes from God. My Story- God's Plan In high school, I had a plan for college and what the rest of my life would look like; I love having a plan and following it. I remember working on my plan in college when I had this nagging sensation that something was missing; the desire and drive were gone. I was miserable empty, and I had lost direction. It came to the point that I needed to have a conversation with my parents, but I needed to figure out the conversation I wanted to have with them. So, one day, I went into this phone booth, yes! Yes! I'm dating myself, and instead of calling my parents, I had a serious conversation with God. You'll know how we do in times of trouble. Who do you call? God. But this time, it was different. God was trying to get my attention. His ways are not my ways; my ways are not His ways. At that moment, I remember a quote that says when God is executing His plan in our lives, He also designs and arranges events that continue to unfold until His purpose is revealed. At that moment, I surrendered my plans and said yes to the will of God. Look, it was scary because it meant that I would transfer schools. I was on my way to Bible College. When I surrendered, I felt a sense of peace all over me. But the real lesson would come many years later when I was involved in a freak accident at work that left me completely incapacitated. I couldn't do daily activities, getting out of bed was tough, cooking for my family was even more challenging, I couldn't drive, and I could barely go to the bathroom alone. I remember being in this place and saying, "What's your plan, God? What's the plan now? Suddenly, my thoughts went back to that phonebooth experience, where I made a commitment and completely surrendered to the will of God; even though I was a pain every single day and frustrated with where my life was, I kept the faith that God had a plan for me. The day came when I was ultimately out of pain. I don't know what you're going through; you might be in a place where you feel helpless or hopeless or have a feeling that something is missing. I want to invite you; I want to encourage you to have a personal and intimate relationship with God your heavenly Father, who sent his only begotten Son-Jesus to restore what was lost in the Garden of Eden, the image of God abiding in your heart which is the Holy Spirit of promise. When you surrender your plan for God's plan, God will lead you where you need to be. If you are ready to change your direction, Subscribe to Join the LBH Community. Our purpose is to follow the instruction Jesus gave His disciples in Mark 16:15, go into all the world, and proclaim the Good News to every creature.


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